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30.07 Release Notes
30.07 Release Notes
Updated over a week ago

New features

  • A new Business Performance report has been added to OS/ Reports.

  • A new integration for the awork platform has been added.


  • The search fields on the Incoming and Outgoing Invoice Overview pages will now query the project identifier, project title and contact name fields, in addition to the regular invoice fields

  • Implemented “lazy loading” on the Projects sidebar tab in the Budget interface

  • Various improvements for invoice PDF export templates

  • Various improvements to the outgoing invoice management forms

  • Updated the Datev Online interfaces to prevent duplicate transfers of invoices that are already in the export queue

  • Updated the Datev Online integration to preserve log data indefinitely

  • Optimized the Vendor selector to hide Google results matching existing OS/ contacts

  • Updated the Plan and Book interfaces in OS/ Resources to prevent invalid planning inputs

  • Improved interface translations in OS/ Budget and OS/ Resource

  • Numeric inputs in the P&L report’s BWA dialogs now use localized formatting

  • Removed the scroll wheel behavior on numeric fields in OS/ Budget

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the outgoing invoice forms that was forcing the selection of a contact person

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Outgoing Invoice Overview to crash when using the Responsible Staff filter

  • Fixed a pagination issue on the Datev Export History pages

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of time entries with a start time within the last two hours

  • Fixed minor bugs affecting the project evaluation status logic

  • Fixed a bug that was blocking the creation of Asana projects due to changes in the Asana API

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the selection of future dates for unprovisioned services on the outgoing invoice form

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Date Paid field on outgoing invoices from being modified on closed and canceled projects

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