New features
Descriptions can be added for budget sections. The description text is included in pdf exports.
New outgoing invoices now include e-invoice xml data.
The order of survey evaluation questions can now be customized by dragging and dropping questions on the Department Settings page.
New keyboard shortcuts have been added to the budget interface to enable rapid editing.
The tab key will now traverse all editable columns
Shift+tab will move the cursor to the previous column
↑ and ↓ will select the previous or next item
Enter will focus the cursor in the first field of the selected item
Backspace will delete a selected item that is not focused for editing
Workspace administrators can now close projects with stalled evaluations.
The columns displayed in the Work Log table are now customizable.
A cost/revenue visualization has been added to the P&L report.
The sorting of line items on outgoing invoices will now match the sorting of corresponding items in the project budget. Items are also now grouped by section.
A Refunded Amount column has been added to the Outgoing Invoices Overview table.
The Work Log’s export feature has been updated to improve the structure of comment data.
Users with the All Projects role can now access all incoming and outgoing invoices on the Accounting pages.
The performance of the budget interface has been substantially improved for budgets containing large quantities of sections and items.
The budget interface has been improved for full PC compatibility.
Contacts appearing in OS/ Budget now include deep-links to the corresponding page in OS/ Contacts.
Users will remain in the current workspace when navigating between OS/ applications via the app switcher menu.
Support has been added for Personio absence types with an “hours-based” configuration.
The Personio integration has been updated to improve performance and ensure compatibility with upcoming API changes.
The stability of the Asana integration’s project synchronization feature has been improved.
The warning message on the Incoming Invoice Gross Amount field has been updated to support incoming credit notes with negative amounts.
Inactive vendors are no longer shown as options in the Incoming Invoice Vendor field.
Tooltips have been added to the budget sidebar for projects and services with truncated names.
A warning is now displayed in OS/ Contacts when removing the Vendor or Client classification from a vendor with existing incoming invoices or a client with existing projects.
Contacts filters in OS/ Budget and OS/ Resources have been optimized to remove irrelevant options.
Departments are now sorted alphabetically across all OS/ applications.
The layout of data in audit log panels has been improved.
DATEV validation patterns on the banking fields in OS/ Contacts have been improved.
The display of in-progress DATEV transfers has been improved on the Transfer History page.
The performance of the OS/ Contacts and OS/ Resources interfaces has been improved.
Bug fixes
A bug resulting in incorrect numbering in the summary section of the budget export pdf has been fixed.
A bug resulting in incorrect recipient address data on outgoing invoices has been fixed.
A bug resulting in inconsistent forecasting data for projects with partial invoice planning has been fixed.
A bug that permitted time tracking data to be added after the end date of certain projects has been fixed.
A rounding inconsistency on the unit price of outgoing invoice line items has been resolved. Unit prices will now match the corresponding item in the project budget.
A bug that prevented the PDFs of issued outgoing invoices from being opened via the shortcut menu on the Project Outgoing Invoices page has been fixed.
Issues related to the display of business trips and out-of-office absences in OS/ Resources have been fixed.
An issue preventing vendors with similar names from appearing in the Incoming Invoice Vendor field has been fixed.
Issues in the workflow to create new contacts via the New Project dialog have been fixed, along with improvements to various field constraints on the New Project form.
Itemization of outgoing invoices now supports budget items with negative quantities.
An issue preventing proper display of some receipt PDFs has been fixed.
The service group filter on the Workspace Services page has been fixed.
Minor layout issues have been fixed in the sidebar on the Edit pages in OS/ Contacts
Issues in the awork time tracking synchronization feature have been fixed.
NRW regional holidays are once again displayed correctly in the OS/ Resources interface.
Various issues have been fixed on outgoing credit notes related to date constraints, contact field values and itemization.
Various validation issues related to the itemization of outgoing invoices have been fixed.
Users are now redirected into the new contact after creating a company in OS/ Contacts.
The missing Comparison Range field has been re-added on the Business Performance report.
An issue that prevented the proper transfer of DATEV account numbers in workspaces with multiple active DATEV integrations has been resolved.
Minor validation issues on the project evaluation survey have been fixed.