DATEV Belegtransfer
OS/ Exports .zip fiels for "DATEV XML-Schnittstelle online". With this file format, you can import invoice data incl. document images.
The files are imported with the free desktop application DATEV Belegtransfer.
To enable xml data, you have to enable "DATEV XML-Schnittstelle online" in DATEV Belegtransfer with the following steps:
In this case, "DATEV XML-Schnittstelle online" is already enabled for this Directory. If you see this Symbol, you can skip the following steps.
If not, please right click the directory and choose "Change Directory". Mind to disable "Upload automatically" before.
Enable "DATEV XML-Schnittstelle online" and "Save". Repeat this Step for all directories you like to process OS/ Exports for "DATEV XML-Schnittstelle online".